How can one ever think clearly with all the noise around us? It's toxic - the hectic hustle and bustle of city life. Environmental toxins include the lousy air that we breath, the bad stuff in what we consume, the synthetic nature of our clothing, the things that we use to destroy the atmosphere - we are surrounded with what is unnatural.
The city life isn't for me, never has been, never will be. I love peace and quiet, long, leisurely days and nights with just the sound of the birds chirping to wake me up in the morning and the shrill of the crickets to lullaby me at night. As the sun sets after the heat of the day, I peel off my clothes to wear my favorite old white t-shirts and crash on my bed, as my dogs lie down too, enjoying the final moments of sunshine to welcome the heat of the day disappearing to take a nap. Silence, the golden silence, the beauty of routine, no jolts, no surprises, just a blissful ordinary day.
According to WebMD, negative ions creates positive vibes. Though many people believe that wearing a certain kind of bracelet can give the negative ions we need, it simply isn't true. How can the touch of a metal protect us from the toxic environment?
The city has no negative ions which isn't a positive thing. To quote WebMD, negative ions "are created in nature as air molecules break apart due to sunlight,radiation, and moving air and water. You may have experienced the power of negative ions when you last set foot on the beach or walked beneath a waterfall. While part of the euphoria is simply being around these wondrous settings and away from the normal pressures of home and work, the air circulating in the mountains and the beach is said to contain tens of thousands of negative ions -- Much more than the average home or office building, which contain dozens or hundreds, and many register a flat zero." A quick fix would be to take a shower as that would provide the water element to bring on the positive vibes. Yet, a better solution is to take the time to go to out of town and enjoy nature, a walk among the flowers, to breath fresh air and feel the wind. Refreshing, get away from the toxic life.
Brain Drain
The noise level has been high outside my home. I seek balance by playing music to shut the noise of traffic out, the noise of a busy restaurant, the endless chatter of people, getting rid of the words of the holier than thou, as if they don't have clay feet, too, plunging into talk with endless advice when they won't listen to their doctor, have bottled up emotions, or have anger management issues, dictating on other people.
As I take walks nearly daily, I think of the people in my life and think of mine, of course. The elements that muddle my mind is to see pain and I just feel sometimes the need to stand up, give the person a hug or a kiss in the cheek, to reach out and touch, a tap in the back, to make them feel appreciated, then I think of living in a more natural area to come home to my quiet life and go online to maybe get to touch someone's life again to make it better. Anti-noise pollution, no brain drain, work, laughter, good food, good company, these are the things that I enjoy. I turn my back on abuse and don't deal with it anymore, let the person be to live in their own misery as that adds to the toxic level in my life as happiness should just be so easy, instead of controlled by the factors such as society who really doesn't give a squat, just there to view, instead of chilling and loving life.
Sharing a Smile
Earlier tonight, as I do every nearly night for the past few months, I carry Nala, a Shih tzu-Jack Russell terrier, who is as sweet as can be. I stand up in the yard as I hold her in my arms, and she keeps on kissing my neck, cheeks, and even my hands as these hold her. For a long while as I stand up and swing her gently as she is cradled and we spend the time looking at the moon and stars, feeling the night air. Nala loves tummy rubs as you will see in this picture and turns around each time anyone comes near her, trying to be as cute.
And then there is Bailey, my toy poodle. When I took Nala home, this new pet was into tearing paper and much to my surprise, my well-behaved Bailey did the same as she tore up tissue paper!
Not guilty, Your Honor!
Did they make you smile? Drinking lots of water, eating healthy, indulging in a few sweet treats, taking long walks, listening to music, caring for my pets, and keeping company with people who care for me and show it are some of the ways that I detox daily.
When was the last time you took a walk?
Gave someone a hug?
Take a step to make someone's life happier by being there 100 percent?
Stopped controlling to go with the flow?
Take a step to make someone's life happier by being there 100 percent?
Stopped controlling to go with the flow?
Life is what we make it, toxin-free.