Showing posts with label toxic chemicals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label toxic chemicals. Show all posts

Apr 19, 2018

Toxic Chemicals in Water

Water is water no matter how much particles are in it to be identified as foul or clean. Toxic liquids can be added to water and not be noticed, turning it into poison. Water does get contaminated and needs to be treated to make it safe enough to drink and be used. In 1854, the sewers contaminated the water which led to a cholera epidemic.

The water purification method that was used was to add chlorine. In the recent years, it was discovered that chlorine disinfection brings about the formation of trihalomethane, which may cause cancer. The health benefits of cleaning water with chemicals clearly have their drawbacks.

Filtering Water of Impurities

Trying to figure out if the water is safe often is not a viable option as the continuous flow of good, clean water is necessary for any home, establishment, facility, or institution. Though public drinking water comes up to standard, many choose to use filters to get rid of the impurities.

As we steer away from chemicals that do add to the toxins in our body system, the very basic thing that we need to live might be still treated with chemicals.

Author's note:

Recently experiencing foul water running from the pipes in a residential area, it is a must that awareness is there. There are ways to clean the water - though as I said before, historically, Philippine tap water is safe.

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