"What?", yelped my daughter Maxi when I told her that we could eat eggs daily. "You just changed everything that I believe in!"
I limited the number of eggs that I fed my family weekly. The standard two eggs a day was not to be done, at the very most, the intake of eggs was limited to 4 in week. The limit included concern for cholesterol intake and the belief that burnt edges of 2 sunny-side up eggs if fed to a person continuously for a couple years would be enough to ensure their early demise! (evil laugh)
Yet, according to the new nutrition guidelines to come out this 2015, eggs are not bad for you. Though an egg contains over 150 mg. of cholesterol - the shocking news is that cholesterol is ''not a nutrient of concern because cholesterol from food doesn't cause higher blood cholesterol levels." Mind-boggling, making eggs a good thing to consume more often, the bad in what you do eat would be the saturated oils such as what you fry the egg in, the natural fat that is unavoidable in pork, the fatty part that you can remove from certain cuts of beef, the marbled parts of beef that must be avoided - plus the fact that the accumulated cholesterol in our bodies isn't easily flushed out and do clog those arteries - so instead of having a change valve operation, you can buy a Rolls Royce instead or maybe a new Benz. Though eggs can be consumed daily, there still must be a limit to this kind of food intake especially if the person has cholesterol concerns.
Now that you can enjoy eggs more often, with the presumption that you do not have a high cholesterol level health concern, and you might want to use my tried and tested recipes on how to cook eggs.
Perfect Sunny Side Up Eggs
Add enough oil, butter, or margarine to a frying pan to line the bottom or just a little to coat it if it is a non-stick pan (because eggs do stick to some of those non-stick pans!). Break an egg into a saucer which is done to check if the egg is still good by looking at the color of the whites and the yolk and checking that it does not smell rotten. When the oil is hot, slide the egg into the pan. When the whites begin to cook, become solid and whiter in color, add a teaspoon of water near the egg. This will cause it to splatter so back off a bit and it shall also make the egg easier to remove when done to make the perfect sunny side up egg! If you want to achieve a more solid cooked yolk similar to that of hard-boiled eggs, add a couple of teaspoons instead of one. Using this method, you'll be able to cook the perfect sunny side up egg. If you flip it when the whites have solidified, adding the water before the flip, you'll make an over-easy egg. You may add fine salt and pepper to taste.
Perfect Scrambled Eggs
This recipe for scrambled eggs is the one that my father loved. Though I have other scrambled egg recipes, this one has the wonderful mix of whites and runny yellow yolks. Easy, you'll be able to make these perfect scrambled eggs in a few minutes.
In a frying pan, add a slice or two of butter or margarine, depending on the number of eggs you will scramble. A slice is roughly equivalent to one tablespoon. I typically scramble 4 eggs to two tablespoons of butter. Add in the eggs and wait for the whites to slightly cook. With a fork, mix the eggs lightly to break the yolks. Allow it to cook a little more, then transfer to a plate. The heat of the eggs will further cook it so that the yolks remain runny, the whites stay soft, and the appearance is shiny. There is no need to add salt to this dish.
Perfect Boiled Eggs
In a pot, add in the eggs and cover with water. Tightly cover, bring to a boil, and close the heat. Time it. Remove eggs from water after 5 minutes for soft-boiled eggs and after 12 minutes for hard-boiled eggs.
Cooking perfect sunny side up, scrambled, and boiled eggs is one of the easiest things to do but many people don't think they can make perfect eggs. It's not rocket science. Don't try, do it.