Pent up anger vents in the wrong place as when it is targeted, it rocks the boat. All in time. Speaking up can wait.
When the most recent scene takes an instant relay in my mind, I just wanted to go for the jugular. What was that silly and hurtful comment? What that person squashing someone like I care for like a bug. I see. Observe. And this is the last araw. So I reacted to save the situation. Drama for drama. Oh my Goodness. The point-blaming game. What solution was on the table. Attention getting person with mindless ways because of the constipated brain full of teleseries.
Shhh. Silly to drag me into such word games. I wrote the scripts.
I slipped on the way out. My nerves reacted and I screamed in pain. Darn left arm is wrecked and it's wretched to drop down on my knees in pain again. Yah right. Disabled. There's something but it isn't getting well unlike my right arm. Must be another thing.time check. It's been years but this arm flared up recently. Must be something else as the pain won't go away..
Back to the pain inflictd by that insane woman. Geez how money is squandered away in things..and odd, recently no complaints. Perhaps.. But then again, as difficult it is to.. . Read the workings of an insane mind.
Insane. It drives me crazy and then, I think back to a point in time that I felt like my mind was slipping due to emotional overwhelm. Emotions. Fear. Hey Kahlil! Your Gibran is gibrish as embracing the tree of love just Shakes-peare the roots. Yo for the depression peg that is more real, that longing...
Then, perhaps I made my stand too clear. Maybe I should kept quiet how it was affecting my mind. If I had kept quiet, I would have the continous emotions instead of a solution, that says peace of mind with a war yell and has no cheeeing Squad.
But I am drifting...randomizer on.
The fruit of the poisonous tree. I feel asleep a bit before midnight and woke up by aro und 2 am. Though the woman drives here toxins to my very core, as she embodies all that I dislike - gossip, exag, teleseries, and downright not just a Crook bur worse.. Perhaps it is an act to cover up. It Surely is an act.
I am beginning to dislike spellcheck and predictive words on this mobile, and will clear the saved words..if possible.
To continue... She has made me wake up at this time of the night. The consequences are far reaching. So I studied what can be done. It is bleeding me dry. I would rather fall in love and have a broken heart on hold..wait, I have that!
Oh the onslaught of misery liking company, are lovers like that? It is a glorious thought that time apart subjects both to loneliness to reconcile. Nah. Hahahahaha. Yah. No. Here my heart goes arguing with my head. No. Maybe. Oh please stop miss calling and dropping the call from unknown numbers. Thats so high school..oh my! It was high school Kinda.. Never mind. No investment is worth it when.. No Bittersweet moments. No anger. No sour graping.
It's Monday. So, it is planned. Got the blanks filled for one thing. Got the guards on reverse duty to hide me. Oh what is it about pain that makes me go into a shell?
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