Aug 8, 2016

Food and Drink Daily Decisions

Absorbtion is worth considering when it comes to health. What we eat and drink does go out after the digestion process, so what is left behind?

First, think about digestion. If this process does not have high performance levels, we must aid it by consuming what can aid it. For example, if the health concern is constipation, then fiber rich food such as oatmeal and eating certain fruits such as papaya can surely help. 

Next, think about absorption. When eating, chewing well breaks down the food for it to be easier to digest. Whatever goes in, goes through the process, and the blood stream absorbs what is there. Sounds simple, right? Let us investigate...

Food and drink is always a blessing, especially when offered.

Our choices are limited when we are out of the house. Daily decision making can be broken down. What is for breakfast, lunch, and dinner? What do you snack on? What beverages are consumed? It is not always possible to have that balanced meal, and delicious temptations are everywhere. Start off by simplifying the choices, saying no and knowing the limits of the intake.

- Fat. Pork has fat in the meat part, so it is not enough to remove the fat. Marbled beef has fat that cannot be taken out, and ground beef has at least 20 percent fat. Steak has visible fat that can be removed. Chicken has fat, and the healthies choice is the breast part. Fish can have fatty parts but this is healthy.

- Sugar. We all need sweetness daily, even if diabetic as blood sugar levels cannot be too low. There are fruits that we can consume and the occasional dessert is a treat, as totally depriving oneself may cause cravings. Dark chocolate is healthier, and fresh fruit is best.

- Calcium. Upon reading the new FDA guidelines that eggs
can be consumed daily, this changes the allowable intake. Drinking enough milk is good, though too much of butter is bad. Cheese overload? Healthy but anything is excess is not good.

With so many food and beverages to choose from, decisions can be done with each meal and snack, and what we drink such as the water intake, caffeine based drinks, and alcoholic beverages. Our bodies vary and for some, a little may be too much.

To focus on absorbption, what we ordinarily eat and drink might not be enough to bring the nutrients our body needs. Supplements are good, yet there are natural choices that are better. Our bodies liquid absorption rate is fast, bringing in refreshment, a full feeling, and the simplification of the digestive process. Shakes are great, for weight loss and weight gain, like those which are complete meal replacements such as Herbalife, which does contain a bevy of wonderful ingredients. Fresh fruit shakes may be made with a reduction or even omission of the sugar syrup. Vegetables can be made into a beverage. There are a lot of healthy beverages for sale, like pineapple juice, grape juice, and tomato juice. Just read the label.

When we were babies, we had a liquid diet. When we are old, it is a good idea to up our liquid intake, so the body can become healthier, and the absorption rate is fast, making us gain energy and making it easy for the digestive system.

Check out my ebook > ReFresh: The Liquid Diet Guide which is available for download at all online bookstores. 

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