Dealing with anxiety means you can enjoy life and be productive. Anxiety, which means that there is a fear that is unfounded, that might be based on experience, makes a new situation one that is treated with more than caution, but the fear is the basis of how it is dealt with. Anxiety repeats in the mind, and after it does constantly repeat, it will cause overwhelming emotions. When the emotions take over, a panic attack may occur. The signs of a panic attack include change in breathing pattern, extreme adgitation, and basically, flying off the handle for no valid reason, just to differ this from temper and anger.
Anxiety hurts someone for no valid reason. For example, when entering a new relationship, what happened before with someone else is held against the new person. It can be in the back of the mind but it still affects the relationship. Anxiety hurts more than anythingbecause the fear takes over, making what can be done left undone, and destroying relationships when the panic attack happens.
Constant panic attacks bring about a disorder. This disorder may be treated with chill pills but it does not cure it. To get rid of panic attacks one has to deal with it.
Life has daily stressors. The inability to deal with such matters like a pending bill, even if there is money to pay it, without making it into a blown up issue; the seeking to disrupt the routine calm of an ordinary day with imaginary scenarios for attention; the pensive and disgruntled attitude of burden when there should be none; and the inability to let go of the past mistakes and forgive means that the anxious thoughts keep repeating in the mind.
Anxiety hurts, destroying relationships due to not being able to deal with a routine life without creating issues. There are days that all goes well, like when celebrating an occassion or durincg an out of town trip, but there are those ordinary days that should have no trouble, and a person with the disorder will seek to create an issue to make another person hassled. People with anxiety disorders, who have constant panic attacks, and who are no longer capable of being content with routine, will lash out in their imaginary hurt, not let go of the past, and are unwilling to move forward. In general, they are unproductive and have limited amount of friends, as the anxious mind seeks other anxious minds to talk endlessly about scenarios and their unforgiveness of other people.
A life riddled with issues is what a person will be subjected to when someone has an anxiety disorder. To deal with them with pity means that the emotional outburst will affect their peace, and the relationship will be unstable as their is that feeling of constntly walking on eggshells. Some do get well but for many, anxiety becomes a way of life, as the disruption makes them have that high, the attention, and then they get to control others by their wave of emotional outburst, based on their fear. A person with an anxiety disorder is dependent, as they cannot deal with the stressors of daily life, are not trying to earn, becomes outright selfish when it comes to money and apparently does not care for anyone but themselves. New friendships are difficult to eatablish as they are treated with disdain, and one with a disorder has trust issues, as the past is always there, placing the fear.
Another example might be a person coming home late and the one with the disorder will start to create all sorts of scenarios in their head, such as that the other person might be lying, or maybe has gotten into an accident, and then pepper the one who was late with texts for them to go home, as there are trust issues and their anxious minds will not rest.
The causes of anxiety attacks are many. There are some who can get cured but there are those who do need to change their environment as their refusal to deal with the routine life that they have can be disruptive and hurt others. Living with a person who has an anxiety disorder makes practically each day one that has issues, be it with the silent treatment which is manipulative, the guilt trip, or the constant nit picking. Sometimes, the anxiety does make the person no longer functional and their is no normal day, so it might be best to let them be where they have their comfort zone, like with their friends, and cut off relationships because of the emotional, verbal, and maybe even physical abuse that one can suffer from when the disorder is so integrated, that person is no longer in control of their emotions.
The mind is a powerful thing but people who have overwhelming emotions do seek to destroy relationships, be it their own or others, because their living with the repeated thoughts make them unhappy. Pushing them to be independent in many ways may force them to fly, yet still consider that sometimes, it might not be an anxiety disorder that one might be dealing with, as there might be the fact that a person does not love, care and respect them, that is why daily life can be made miserable unless they get their way.
Anxiety hurts someone when it is the basis of the way they are dealt with. Focusing, and seeing the facts, to be right to a person, one may ask themselves if the pain that comes from the fear, was indeed inflicted by that person and if the trust issues do have basis.
A person that has a disorder may be that way for life and as all disorders, can get worse as they get older, especially if it is already integrated into their daily routine.
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