Oct 25, 2016

Vita Cubes: The Good Candy

Vita Cubes
When is a candy good? We all know that kids must have candy, in the same way that some adults also do, and there are times that candy is good as the sugar in it does help us get a certain kind of high that can help us become more alert - and that is why it is a good idea to have a candy when taking a school examination.

Yet, as a general rule, eating candy should be limited as with all things that do contain sugar - but with kids, that is nearly impossible to do - so you would have to give a child candies that are good for them.

After all, they are only kids once and to deprive them of such childhood happiness or allow them to indulge in too much - well, there are distinct benefits to a child having Vita Cubes candy.

If you would take a minute or two to read the label of Vita Cubes, you will see why it it the candy to choose - as what does those other candies contain? Vita Cubes does have Lysine that helps them grow, Vitamin C, a big does of Vitamin A, and Vitamin B, among other things.

Also, since Vita Cubes it is a jelly, kids won't bite on it. Hard candies do make kids get all kind of trouble as it stays in the mouth longer, creating cavities, making them bite it with their weaker first set of teeth. Also, with hard candy, it does get swallowed and can cause chocking. I should know, I have swallowed a candy before when it was small already and that was a lousy experience, and my daughter choked on a Wonka Gobstopper, making me do the Heimlich maneuver on her. I still remember that day and how terrible the experience was for her and me as a mother. There was no Vita Cubes then.

Choose the candy that a child will consume wisely. I recommend Vita Cubes, the good candy
, and a child can safely consume a packet with 10 daily, even if they are taking vitamins. Note that all food and beverage consumption of a child must be monitored, not giving them excess nor too little. Candies are not in the food pyramid but then, a child needs supplements which comes from vitamins and minerals, and children must have candy.

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