Oct 22, 2015

Genius Touch Pen Review

Touch pens are needed for more than just the ease of using the keyboard of a touch phone or tablet.

I never thought I needed a touch pen as my fingers do easily get to type on the keyboard. My friends who said that their fingers are fat and keep on missing the right key did go out and buy cheap ones and I did the same. I placed that one aside as it was difficult to make my smartphone respond to the tap or the swipe. It felt heavy and ungainly, it was rather big, and it didn't look that great. 

Not all touch pens are the same. The feel, weight, balance, and the way it looks is just like comparing a ballpont pen to a Cartier pen. Both can write, but then, there is a world of difference in the way it feels, how long it writes, and how it writes. 

The one I got lately is the Genius Touch Pen 100s, made it easier to get a response and made it possible for me to be accurate, as now I had a precision tool for my devices. And, like my ballpen and Cartier pen comparison, those are disposable while the Genius Touch Pen has a replaceable stylus tip

Why Use A Touch Pen? 

"Wow! A touch pen!", said my youngest daughter, Allison. "Now I can use a touch pen for my SnapChat!" 

I frowned. "This costs, iha, is that all you will use it for?"

"Well, now I can make cleaner script on my SnapChat. I don't have a drawing app coz I didn't have a touch pen, and now I can download! That should be cheap only, Mom, as my friend bought hers for 200 bucks."

"This is a Genius, iha. It a bit more that double of that. It's for professional use."

"I am sure my graphic artist friends would love that."

What makes the Genius Touch Pen 100s the one I will use?

- The box was tightly sealed and it was packaged well. 
- It has a manual inside that said it is compatible with all touch devices to include tablets, PCs, iPhones, iPads, and smartphone. 
- Using it prevents scratching the screen of the device.
- It has a 7mm stylus tip design 
- It has half a million times durability. 

I looked for apps that I could use this for it as I don't draw, and discovered that there are a lot of writing apps for such touch pens on Google play that I can download for free. So I got "Write" which is a free notepad app. At first, you'll note, that I couldn't get the stroke. My tendency was to press the tip hard on the screen which isn't necessary. One has to stroke with fluid and even light pressure. As I practiced with this Genius Touch Pen, the 'handwriting' improved.  
We invest in our cell phones and tablets. To use quality and durable touch pens is highly recommended in the same manner that one should use the original charger. I can use my Genius Touch Pen for nearly 500,000 times more, if I get a hold of it, as it is with my daughter who is using the touch pen for her SnapChat and her new drawing app.

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