Jul 5, 2016

Evian Natural Mineral Water: New Packaging

Evian is unbeatable. The water that you drink right now may be mineral, distilled, alkaline, or purified. Water is vital to life and vital to our health. We seek to go organic in what we eat, eliminating the bad such as soda if we want to adhere to a healthy lifestyle.

 And, what water do you drink?

There was a time that the taps in the Philippines gushed out drinking water. Now, with the dirt and other chemicals that go through our pipes, most people no longer drink tap water.

 Learn more about Evian by watching this video.

According to Wikipedia, "In 1789 during a walk, the Marquis of Lessert drank water from the Sainte Catherine spring on the land of a M. Cachat. The marquis, who was allegedly suffering from kidney and liver problems, claimed that the water from the spring cured his ailments. In 1859 the business became a public company as the "Société anonyme des eaux minérales de Cachat" and a year later it became French when Savoy was incorporated into France under the Treaty of Turin. The French Ministry of Health reauthorized the bottling of Cachat water on the recommendation of the Medicine Academy in 1878. In 1908 Evian water began to be sold in glass bottles manufactured by the glass factory Souchon-Neuvesel."

Evian New Packaging. From the original glass bottles in 1908, there has been changes in the way Evian has been bottled, of which now the bottles are recyclable. The latest bottle is streamlined and there are changes made in the logo, removing the pink background, and retaining the three French Alps on top of the word "Evian".

There was a promo that  that if you buy a bottle of Evian, you may win a trip to Japan, and this was the highlight of the launch of the "New Look" of Evian that was recently done at Landmark, Makati, and there was a virtual reality game. This I got to played and it was a shooting game. The "birds" were flying bottles of Evian. There was also a snow machine and that was also a lot of fun, I got "snowed" on.

Evian has a new look and it adds to the history of this natural spring water.

What are the changes that we need in our life for that "new look"? When you drink Evian, it is a way to "live young" and you are assured of the best kind of water.

So next time you drink a glass of water, why not take a few minutes to study it? And, it's a good idea to also drink Evian to taste and feel the thirst-quenching goodness, and continue to drink Evian to ensure better health by drinking the natural spring water that has been one of the most popular in the world for over a century.

Learn more by visiting the Evian website.

1 comment:

  1. I am neither pro- nor anti-PUB but I fail to see any problems arising due to this. RS Glass Bottle


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