Nov 9, 2016

La Jeunesse: Anti-Aging Platelet Rich Plasma and More for Beauty and Wellness

Become more beautiful with the Luxury Aesthetic Lifestyle Center that provides multi-dimensional services. There are skin care treatments, with detox for cleansing and weight loss management, and a wellness program. 
La Jeunesse has  3 aesthetic doctors, 10 registered nurses, 5 wellness consultants, a nutritionist, a life coach, and a medical director. It has the lastest in technology for their various treatments for you to be able to achieve the metamorphosis. This aesthetic center is located at the 4th Level Prism Plaza, Two E-Com Center Mall of Asia Complex, Ocean Drive
Pasay City, Philippines.

It was an amazing experience for me to discover what treatments La Juenesse had. It was like finding the fountain of youth as there is the Platelet Rich Plasma theraphy which is like stem cell theraphy, and that is the key to having a youthful body. What I like is the overall treatment, which is not just skin deep, and La Jeunesse keeping in mind that health is vital to becoming more beautiful. 

Take a look inside and join me for a brief tour:

La Jeunesse services: 
JEUNNE VIE (Platelet Rich Plasma)

Platelet Rich Plasma utilizes the capability of your own blood to enhance the overall texture and tone of your skin, realistically. It is a natural avenue to improving the condition of your skin by using your own tissue growth factors and healing properties to restore the skin by enhancing blood supply and stimulating collagen structure. The after effect of which ameliorates and progresses overtime. Once tissue has been regenerated and remodeled, that benefit may be permanent.

Studies show that PRP aids in;

  • Eliminating skin wrinkles and a safe alternative to Botox
  • Reverses hair loss by promoting hair growth and strengthens hair follicles
  • Grows new cells and thicker dermis thus rejuvenates skin, inside out
  • Soften sun damage and aging skin issues
  • Accelerates growth factors for cell regeneration

ASCEND (Facelift Ultra)
This state of the art non-surgical lifting procedure is the latest cutting-edge technology for an immediate long lasting lift designed to recreate a sculptured, smooth, and silky-V-SHAPE face. Continuous collagen synthesis stimulation by ultra-fine polydioxanne (PDO) threads inserted under skin via “parallel vector technique” results in heightened rejuvenated skin. The fine threads adhere to the sagging tissue and actuate the proliferation of collagen and elastic collagen in the derma layer. Ultra V-LIFT treatment helps naturally to produce skin tightening effects and lifting at the same time. Increase in collagen synthesis Skin rejuvenation and tightening Improve skin structure and skin tone V-shape silhouette and sharpen features
Warts Removal
Warts are small, self-limited tumors caused by Human Papillomavirus (HPV) infection. Although warts are considered contagious, it is not uncommon for just one family member to have them. In addition, they often affect just one part of the body but they can be spread by picking them. For the removal of the wart C02 Laser is a tool of first choice, a device that emits high energy laser light which produces coagulation of the blood vessels & necrosis of the wart without damage to the surrounding tissue & optimizing the recovery of the treated area, while reducing the risk of bleeding & infection. The resulting scabs clear in 2 to 3 days.

Syringoma Removal
Syringoma is a non-cancerous bump or clusters of bumps that is caused by an overgrowth of cells within the sweat glands (eccrine), can be inherited and often runs in families. Treatment of Periorbital Syringoma involves the removal of lesions by C02 laser, with minimal scarring and prevention of recurrence. As the skin is very thin around the eyes, the treatment is done very carefully and gradually, usually in two sessions. The first session is to clear most or all of the lumps, and the 2nd is to make sure that the small fractions and deep part of the gland that resurfaced are eliminated.

Milia Removal
When the skin cells are not completely shed, keratin builds up beneath the epidermis forming a wall that is 1 to 3 millimeters in diameter. The rounded bump is referred to as milium (plural, milia) and often appears around the eyes & cheeks as raised bumps that are sometimes mistaken for white heads. Milia seed removal by C02 laser is the easiest and fastest without scarring. Some milia may need 2 or 3 treatment sessions, spaced 1 month apart.

Acne Treatment Program
Acne may be attributed to genetics or hormonal imbalance. Contributing factors, or acne triggers, include lifestyle choices, such as diet, sleep pattern, hygiene, or stress. When skin does not exfoliate as it should, dead cells build up on the skin surface and inside the pore. Dead cells mix with trapped oil and pores become clogged, resulting in blackheads and whiteheads. All cases of acne are not created equal, and neither are all acne treatments.
Although all acne has its roots in the same process, not all acne is equally severe and not all cases of acne will respond to the same types of treatment. A recommendation then for acne skin care is a combination of oral medication, topical medicines and treatments that prevent acne infections and scarring. A less inflammatory and toxic diet is highly recommended.

Deep Cleansing Facials
Deep pore facial treatments are tailored to each client’s need. There are a variety of skin care conditions and needs and certain products benefit different skin conditions. Facial cleansing begins with either a facial scrub, or a gentle cleanser that contain AHAs. Once the skin is cleansed, the Aesthetician begins the exfoliation process which dissolves the top layer of the skin cells.
Enzymes that are common in facial exfoliation are activated by steam. Steam helps to open the pores and relax the client as well, once the skin is exfoliated and the pores are open, the Aesthetician will begin Extractions of comedones from the pores. To complete the facial service, a facial mask is applied. Facial masks come in many different varieties and specify in different skin care concerns. A moisturizer or sun block then is applied after the mask is removed. It is important to maintain this regimen every 6-8 weeks for optimal results.
Meal Planning
Meal planning is a huge part of the fat loss equation, it is the backbone. It is an awareness of the various nutrients in food, their functions, and requirement in the body. It is essential to make sure that you are eating the right food in the right quantities, without starvation. By guiding clients to make healthy dietary changes that ensures nutritional adequacy of the food they eat everyday that provide weight loss without depriving the body of nutrients. The knowledge of recommended dietary allowances and composition of food is necessary for the selection of a sufficient diet by translating the nutritional needs into kinds and amounts of food that we should eat. Weight loss is 70% what we eat and 30% what we do.

Life and Wellness Coaching
Just about everyone has a vision of his/her ideal weight and health; it is quite difficult to make it a reality for some. Then what you need is a wellness coach. Just like the people who push athletes to greatness in sports, life and wellness coaches push their clients to find satisfaction from their lifestyle. Helping clients understand themselves and making them analyze the factors that contribute to their weight gain through self awareness. We then guide our clients find the motivation and tools to get to their physical health goals.
Those goals include:
  • Lose unwanted pounds
  • Eat healthy and better food
  • Maintain weight loss and healthy youthful skin

L-Carnitine is a naturally occurring amino acid which plays a vital role in the metabolism of the fat. It functions as a transporter of fatty acids into the mitochondria, the metabolic furnace of the cell. Some people, however, may not have enough carnitine because their bodies cannot make enough or can’t transport it into tissues so it can be used. L-Carnitine can be taken intravenously either by normal injection or using a butterfly. It enhances the body’s ability to metabolize fat thereby enhancing energy levels. This means faster muscle building and fat burning resulting in weight loss. It also improves heart, brain function, and muscular coordination. It is a powerful anti-oxidant that helps our bodies to get rid of toxins.

The French-imported medical technique developed in 1952 by Dr. Michell Pistore, involves the injection of small amounts of various medication into the mesoderm, the layer of fat and connective tissue under the skin. When those small amounts of medication are injected into the mesoderm, underlying fat is melted. Mesotherapy treatment is a non-surgical cosmetic solution aimed at diminishing problem areas in the body such as cellulite, excess weight, body contouring, and face/neck rejuvenation. It is administered via numerous injections containing various types of FDA approved medicines, vitamins, and minerals. Mesotherapy is painless, causes virtually no scarring, although swelling and bruising may appear in the area for a few days.
Benefits of Mesotherapy
  • Fat reduction/ Weight loss
  • Cellulite reduction
  • Lower blepharoplasty
  • Facial rejuvenation

ULTRASCULPT (Lipocavitation)
Lipo Cavitation involves the delivery of ultra sonic waves that “separate” fat cells for removal. Medical literatures indicate that ultrasonic waves in effective cavitation treatments lead to “bursting” of fat cells.
It is a non-invasive treatment which aids in the reduction of localized fat deposits. By using leading technology it converts fat cells into liquid which can then be naturally drained by the body’s own natural filtration system. Generally, one fat cavitation treatment lasts 25-30mins where a single part of the body is treated.
Cavitation is not a method to lose weight but to reshape the body. It is particularly indicated for the reduction of adiposity, the famous “love handles” that won’t go away with diet and exercise.

Lipo Cryoporation
Reduce local adiposities by means of a combined, regulated, and controlled heat extraction and vacuum in a single therapy known as Lipocryolysis. It reduces the epidermic temperature up to 3, 1 ℃ an absolute safe temperature that takes care of epidermal, dermal, and every surrounding tissue. With the 3, 1 ℃, in epidermis during the 25 minutes or more, an intra-adipositary temperature below 10, 2 ℃ will be achieved. At these temperatures crystallization of saturated fatty acids inside adipocytes is achieved. And these unleash the apoptic stimuli that will finally destroy the fat cell in the incoming days or weeks. A typical fat loss in the treated area is 20%-40%. This treatment is best suited to pockets of fat, such as “love handles”.

Tripollar technology painlessly delivers focused and optimal radio-frequency (RF) energy to the skin surface and to sub-cutaneous fat layers. Tripollar works by emitting controlled radio frequency energy via electrodes directly onto the skin surface of the treated area as well as the subcutaneous fat layers beneath it.
The required energy can be accurately applied on the facial and body areas and penetrate deeply as needed so as to remove excess fat without harming nearby tissues. The stimulation of collagen rebirth results in the shrinking of fat cells, thus reducing the appearance of cellulite. Tripoli RF for skin tightening and cellulite reduction can be achieved in one treatment. It penetrates the skin layers to selectively heat the skin tissue and the extra-cellular matrix (ECM) where the collagen fibers are embedded.
Collagen Treatment
Collagen is found naturally in human skin layer for scaffolding our skin structures. It provides support, and gives the young, firm, smooth skin. With age, the skin loses the ability to produce more collagen and hence lost of elasticity, appearance of wrinkles and fine lines occurred. The benefits derived from injectable collagen are;
  • To smooth out wrinkles and fine lines around the area of eyes, face, chin & body skin.
  • To increase volume of lips
  • To elevate scars and depression
  • Smoothens and firms skin
  • Increase body immune system
  • Brighter complexion, prevents scurvy
  • Fade away scars & dark spots
  • Reduces facial and skin fine lines or wrinkles

Mechanical Dermabrasion
Dermabrasion is skin resurfacing procedure that uses a rapidly rotating device to sand the outer layers of the skin. It produces substantial changes in the appearance of the skin by carefully controlling the depth of skin damage. This produces a wound that heals in a manner that is cosmetically superior to the previous state of the skin. Dermabrasion is best for; Acne scarring, Traumatic Scars, Keloids, Wrinkles, Tattoo Removal. This procedure makes way for a new, smoother layer of skin to replace the skin that’s been treated.

Micro Dermabrasion
Micro dermabrasion works on all skin types and tones. It makes subtle changes, preventing skin color change or scarring. It is not suited for deeper problems such as scars, stretch marks, wrinkles or deep acne scars. With micro dermabrasion, there is less downtime and it does not require surgery or anesthetics. Tiny crystals are sprayed onto the skin to gently remove the outer layer of the skin. It is basically an exfoliation and skin rejuvenation procedure that leaves skin looking brighter and feeling softer.

CELANU (Fractional Needling)
Sagging cheeks, fine lines on the face, hard and tough scars, acne pits, enlarged pores and stretch marks can be minimized quickly and easily through fractional needling. The method takes seconds to make hundreds of tiny puncture wounds in the skin. Bio-Active hyaluronic acid or another active agent is then injected through these punctures. It stimulates the skin’s own regenerative properties while using fractional cartridge to actively inject hyaluronic acid into the skin. The Fractional Needle is most effective in treating;
  • Fine lines around the mouth, cheeks, neck & cleavage area
  • Scars
  • Wrinkles & light pigmentation
The fractional technique is more effective in treating poor circulation tissue structure. It powerfully stimulates the circulation, often causing the minute punctured wounds they create to immediately fill up with blood. The introduction of blood back into the tissue ensures the formation of essential skin structures during the healing process, such as capillaries and pores. As a consequence, the epidermis returns to proper functioning, with color returning as a result of renewed pigment production.

ND YAG Laser
ND YAG Laser work by emitting a wavelength of high energy light, which when focused on a certain skin condition will create heat and destroy diseased cells. The following skin disorders can be treated with ND Yag Laser beams.
Vascular Lesions;
  • Spider and thread veins in the face and legs
  • Capillary vascular malformations (vascular birth marks)
  • Varicose veins and facial veins
  • Hemangioma’s
Pigmented Lesions;
  • Brown age spots, Freckles Mongolian Spots
  • Naevus of OTA, Naevus of ITO Hori
  • Naevus and Cafe-au-a-lait-macules
  • Light pulses target melanin at variable depth on or on the skin. Hair Removal (effective for dark, brown, black hair)
  • Tattoo Removal
  • Ony Chomycosis
  • Wrinkles in photo-aged skin
  • Treatment of Active Acne Infections
  • Acne Scars

Gluthatione with Vitamin C
Constant exposure to environmental toxins, pollutants & radiation may damage your tissues within your body. L-Glutathione & vitamin C help to ameliorate the effects of eternal hazards that could adversely affect your health. It is involve in many processes in the body, including tissue building and repair, making chemicals and proteins needed in the body, & for the immune system.
The skin brightening Gluthatione IV is a good alternative to skin bleaching which can damage, scar, inflame, discolor and irritate the skin. This safe and natural treatment involves principally the use of intravenous vitamins, minerals, amino acids & gluthatione. It is an anti-oxidant that is naturally synthesized in the body and has anti melanogenic effects that whitens skin.
Benefits of Gluthatione with Vitamin C
  • Cataracts, glaucoma, preventing aging, treating alcoholism
  • Asthma, cancer, heart disease, hepatitis, liver disease
  • Memory loss, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, osteoarthritis
  • Maintaining the body’s defense system
  • Male infertility

Biocell Therapy
Biocell Therapy provides cellular level nourishment to the skin, revealing a more vibrant and younger looking complexion. It is a 100% natural dietary supplement that purports to benefit joint and skin health. It plays an important role in helping the body maintain healthy connective tissues & promotes youthful skin. It is suitable for everyday use by individuals who want to lead a healthier lifestyle, especially the elderly population who has conditions associated with connective tissues disorders, osteo-arthritis, degenerative joint defects & cartilage injuries.
Benefits of Biocell Therapy;
  • Clinically shown to reduce fine lines & wrinkles by counteracting both natural and photo-aging process.
  • Reduce skin dryness/scaling via HA-mediated.
  • Increase in skin hydration leading to enhanced turgidity and suppleness.
  • Increase collagen content in the dermis by supporting the tensile strength of the skin.
  • Supports healthy hair & nails Promotes maintenance & healthy aging of skin.
Diode Laser
The 810 nm wavelength of the diode laser has been scientifically proven to be the optimum wavelength (pure red light) to transmit energy to the root of the hair and destroy the cells responsible for hair growth. The diode laser has a longer wavelength than other lasers used for hair removal, which improve treatment results on darker skin types.
  • One (1) session every 3 months
  • Skin protection & virtually painless. Diode lasers use a state-of-the-art ultra cooling sapphire tip at-3 ℃, which is in constant with the skin.
  • All skin types, even sun tanned skin

    If you want to be more beautiful the correct way, which has concern for your health, and to be flawless, fast, visit La Jeuness. Learn more about this aesthetic center by visiting the La Jeuness website

"Connected Community" : Photographers recognized for capturing ever-evolving Filipino-Chinese culture

Winner Professional Category
The Love to Play Spinning Tops
Image Credits: Froilan Rivera

MANILA, Philippines - Inspired by images and colors that beautifully reflect how Chinese traditions and cultures have been embedded in the everyday lives of Filipinos, a group of photographers used their skills to capture images that convey the depth of this relationship. Apart from the noodles, lanterns and fireworks that have become part of Filipino traditions, the Chinese influence can be felt in just about every aspect of the Filipino way of life down the generations. Armed with their cameras, these photographers captured vignettes of this dynamic relationship.

Winner Amateur Category
The Dragon Boat Festival in the Philippines
Image credits:  Catherine Aragoncillo
As a living representation of this phenomenon, the Federation of Filipino Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry, Inc. (FFCCCII), in cooperation with the Camera Club of the Philippines (CCP), recently launched an online photo contest that aimed to promote the ever-changing Filipino-Chinese culture. Entitled “Connected Community” it perfectly encapsulated the Filipino-Chinese ties. “Connections” loosely translates to guan xi, a relationship of one person or party to another with obligation built overtime or simply—reciprocity. 
The online photography competition ran from 8th of August 2016 until 16th of October 2016. It garnered three hundred entries from photographers all over the Philippines.

Last November 3, the winners of this contest were feted by the FFCCCII. From the professional category, Froiland Rivera was hailed the best and took home P70,000, Emerson Catindoy bagged second place and was awarded P40,000, and Dante Peralta emerged as the third placer and received P20,000. Seven other professional photographers made it as finalists namely Noel San Andres (4th), Mary Grace Anne Batalla (5th), Carlito Galamgam, Jr. (6th), Joselito Riñoza (7th), Josefino Mario de Guzman (8th), Richmond Chi (9th) and Romado Javillonar (10th). Apart from the cash prizes awarded to the first, second, and third placer, all ten (10) photographers from the professional category were given Chinese tea sets and plaques.

Meanwhile, for the amateur category, Catherine Aragoncillo bested hundreds and secured the top spot in the category, taking home P40,000 in cash. Ysabel Victoriano emerged victorious in second place with P20,000 in cash, while Bernard Recirdo II was named third placer and brought home P15,000 in cash. Seven other photography hobbyists were named as finalists in the category including Alyssa Uy (4th), John Christian Alvariño (5th), Emman Foronda (6th), Gaea Lei Osilao (7th), Douglas Lopez (8th), Jerrica Sabariaga (9th), and Ryan Malabonga (10th). Similar to the professional category, all ten (10) photographers brought home Chinese tea sets and plaques.

The photos of the finalists were also posted on the Connected Community Facebook page. Garnering the most number of positive reactions and shares is the photo “The Rockstar Treatment”. Its owner, Mary Grace Anne Batalla, claimed the special prize with P5,000 and plaque. 
“We were amazed at the talent and artistry of the winners in capturing the theme, Connected Community,” said FFCCCII President Angel Ngu. “Through this competition, the Filipino-Chinese ties really stood out. The photographers went beyond the obvious Chinese elements. Each photo that made it into the finals really had a compelling story to tell.” 

“The entries are all works of art, and serve as a testament to the special bond between the Filipino and Chinese people. Each image showed how deeply interwoven Filipino-Chinese culture is, and will continue to be, in the generations to come,” said CCP President Philip Clayton Yu.

To see images of the winners, check out

Kathryn and Liza's Kitchen Best friend

The kitchen used to be a scary place for young people and cooking was a daunting task reserved for mothers and household helps. But technology played a role in guiding people around the kitchen. Nowadays, new cooks search online for cooking videos or check out “food hacks” to be able to produce any dish they want that they can, in turn, show off on social media.

 Young celebrities Kathryn Bernardo and Liza Soberano also enjoy cooking for their loved ones. They are the newest tandem to endorse AJI-NO-MOTO® Umami Seasoning. Apart from what can be found in the Internet, Kathryn and Liza became more confident cooks because they can rely on a brand of seasoning to make delicious home-cooked dishes by bringing out the natural goodness of food. Experienced cooks or kitchen newbies can make AJI-NO-MOTO® their best friend in the kitchen – an ally in serving nourishing and enjoyable dishes for the whole family.

 The new AJI-NO-MOTO® TV Commercial features three (3) dishes to show the versatility of the product in making all kinds of dishes delicious. Among the dishes are the Omurice, a Japanese-inspired meal composed of rice and omelet, Kathryn’s Adobong Puti recipe, a different take on the classic adobo without soy sauce and the all-time favorite comfort food Beef Nilaga.

 AJI-NO-MOTO® can be widely used in a variety of dishes because it has no smell or specific flavor of its own and can therefore be used to enhance the original flavor of food. This is a safe and quality product that is made from natural crops like sugar cane, corn or cassava and manufactured through the natural process of fermentation. AJI-NO-MOTO® enhances taste of food by providing umami taste. Umami is the fifth basic taste also described as rich, savory and ‘malinamnam’ derived from food rich in glutamate like tomatoes, cheese, mushrooms, ham and seafood.

 *** Ajinomoto Philippines Corporation (APC) is an affiliate of Tokyo-based Ajinomoto Co., Inc. Established in 1958, APC lives by its promise to provide consumers products that will always give the delicious taste to healthy and nutritious meals as embodied in APC’s slogan Ajinomoto® “Eat Well, Live Well.®” APC’s complete line of quality food and seasoning products are produced by international affiliates and local toll manufacturers using Ajinomoto’s license, quality standards and technological expertise. APC’s products include AJI-NO-MOTO® Umami Seasoning, Ajinomoto® Brand Ginisa Flavor Seasoning Mix, AJI-SINIGANG® Cube, Ajinomoto® Brand Chicken Powder, PORKSAVOR® All-in-One Seasoning Mix, CRISPY FRY® Breading Mix, CRISPY FRY® SEASONED CRUMBS®, TASTY BOY® All Purpose Breading Mix, AJI-SHIO® Seasoning Mix and “amino Fres-C” Instant Drink Mix.

Nov 7, 2016

Being a Mommy Blogger

MommyBloggersPH at Steveston Pizza
Once a mother, always a mother. Now that my kids are much older, to be with other Mommy Bloggers during events, and sometimes with their babies, toddlers, and older children is a delightful experience.

I am thrilled with the Mommy Bloggers group. We have a lot of projects and great one at that. There are many events for kids, and these create bonding moments and cherished memories.
Just sharing that I am a Mommy Blogger - and how I have gotten to be amazed at the women that belong to these group.

Nov 4, 2016

Unique Shops: Circuit Christmas Bazaar Nov. 18, 19 & 20

If you think Christmas bazaars are all the same, then you’re definitely in for a merry surprise as Circuit Makati—the go-to event destination for everyone— holds the biggest and hippest outdoor bazaar on November 18-20, 2016.

Inspired by Christmas markets from around the globe, the Circuit Makati Christmas Bazaar will feature six Christmas villages bursting with over 500 merchants offering the best holiday finds--gift items, clothes, accessories, knick knacks, electronics, toys, and food.

As if this were not enough, Ayala Land has upped the ante by lining up exciting fun-filled activities and great entertainment for every member of the family.

Stuff your shopping bags with great surprises from each of these six Christmas villages. 
If gliterrerati is your thing, there’s Star Avenue, where you will encounter celebrities such as Shaina Magdayao, Miriam Quiambao, Gretchen Fullido, Christine Babao, LJ Moreno Alapag, Nikki Valdez and Maria Isabel Lopez with her daughter, Mara Lopez who will be giving everyone a chance to own their products and pre-loved items.

In search of stocking stuffers for the little ones and mommies too? Check out Mommy’s Best by Project Mom, headed by Amanda Griffin and Bianca Araneta-Elizalde. This village is filled with amazing brands, products and services that cater to moms, kids, babies, homes, and families. 

Don’t leave growing kids out of the holiday fun. They would definitely love Lil’ Preneur by HedCen, which will display a wide array of goodies for students  from grade school to high school. To delight young audiences, there’s even a storytelling session, musical performances, and the grand spectacle of Christmas Around the World.
For everything from fashion to gadgets to little trinkets ideal for gifting, check out the Millennial Spot, featuring online influencers Dani Barretto, Mikyle Quizon and Mikki Galang from Karl Edwards and Kaizen Events Inc. to give you well-curated items perfect for the holidays.

Stay healthy and fit throughout the holiday season by checking out Fit & Fab by Hunt & Gather, a village teeming with organic, sports, wellness and lifestyle items you’ll want to have. 

What’s Christmas with food, food, and glorious food? Mercato Centrale brims with yuletide joy from home cooked dishes and sumptuous and delicious desserts made by Metro Manila’s food entrepreneurs.

Next to the six Christmas villages is Santa’s Corner, where kids can tell a real-life Santa Claus their Christmas wish and have their photos taken with him and Mrs. Claus.

Nearby is a great selection of restaurants offering various cuisines, where you can head off for a much-needed shopping break.

The Circuit Makati Bazaar 2016 is co-presented by MasterCard and HSBC.  Raffle prizes, special gifts and more await all MasterCard and HSBC cardholders at this 3-day shopping extravaganza.

Entrance to the bazaar is PHP100. MasterCard and HSBC Cardholders are free of charge. 
For more information, check out or check Follow on Instagram @_CircuitMakatiBazaar2016 #CircuitMakatiBazaar2016.

Nov 1, 2016


We may not be aware that we are unknowingly putting harmful chemicals on our hair thus resulting to general conditions such as migraine, nausea and skin rashes. The symptoms maybe quickly attributed to stress but if you look closer to that hair product you’re using, you’ll be surprise to find the culprit. 

Popularity does not equate to safety, some popular brands sold in the market are loaded with mildly toxic chemicals that may be harmful in prolonged use. 

Novuhair, Nature’s answer to hair loss, gives you the lowdown on these chemicals to help you with your choices.

Myth: Shampoo must produce lots of lather in order to properly clean your hair.
Truth: Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) is a compound that helps shampoo and other cleaning product in producing foam and bubbles. Though it may effectively remove hair build-up, it can also strip off essential oils that is needed to keep your hair healthy.

Myth: Parabens has an anti-bacterial compound benefits that outweighs the harm.
Truth: Parabens are basically used to prolong the shelf life of hair and cosmetic products mostly for its antibacterial purpose. Symptoms that are related to over exposure to parabens are Atopic Dermatitis and Rosacea. Further studies also show that use of products with parabens accelerate skin damage and aging related to sun exposure.

Myth: My hair smells terrific! I love the perfume scent on my hair product.
Truth: A nice whiff of perfume might not be harmful but the fragrance that is mixed in your hair product might have come from harmful substances from highly toxic ingredients which can lead to Allergic reactions and mood swings. That perfume is better off somewhere else.

Myth: Hair products that promise straightening and smoothening effect use non-toxic Sodium Hydroxymethylglycinate as a natural preservative.
Truth: Sodium Hydroxymethylglycinate is a substance used in making your hair soft and bouncy, although it is considered natural preservative, also releases formaldehyde which can lead to skin and eye irritations. Prolonged use may also affect your immune system.
Use of some of these chemicals combined may also result to hair loss and other hair problems, thus, it is important to be an informed consumer. A lot of new products have saturated the market hence, read the labels for fine prints before buying.

Novuhair, nature’s answer to hair loss is made of 19 Natural ingredients which includes herbal components such as moringaoleifera, panax ginseng, virgin coconut oil and the natural essences of rosemary and peppermint.

Novuhair nourishes the scalp and hair by increasing the flow of nutrients and improving blood circulation to the scalp. Novuhair also helps hydrate the scalp, maintain the hair’s natural luster and prevent early hair graying, hair dryness and itching.

Novuhair Topical Scalp Lotion, Shampoo and Conditioner are available in all Mercury Drug Stores and other leading drug stores nationwide. For more information visit, like the brand’s official Facebook Page at Novuhair Official, follow it on Twitter at @NovuhairNatural and on Instagram @novuhairofficial. You may also call the Novuhair hotlines at 4136570 and 09228830575 and order online at Lazada and

COMCO Mundo League of Enterprises brings back the authentic storytelling roots of Blogging, awards winners of Write to Ignite Season 3

Global award-winning communications group COMCO Mundo League of Enterprises has finally concluded “UNMASKED: The COMCO Mundo Write to Ignite...